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Reservation Line: (230) 696 6000

Le Stand up Paddle

Profitez d'un Safari sur votre Stand up Paddle, autour de l'île aux Bénitiers au Morne, au sud-ouest de l'île Maurice. Ce sport de glisse nautique consiste à ramer debout sur une grande et large planche, style surf, avec une pagaie.

A noter:

  • • Les guides pour les Russes, les Allemands et les Chinois sont disponibles sur demande.
  • • Les réservations doivent être faites d’au moins 72 heures à l'avance.
  • • L’heure du Pick-up varie en fonction de l'emplacement de l'hôtel.


Call (230) 696 6000 to sign up for "Le Stand up Paddle" excursion

Booking Attributes

1 Select Attributes

Total price

2 Choose Booking Option

This option allows you to reserve a place for the chosen activity on a particular time and date that suit you most. Please enter your preferred date for going on the activity. You should also note that if you select an activity with duration of more than 1 day, the date you indicate in the form is the date on which you would like to start the activity.

(Valid for 3 months)

When selecting an Open voucher option, you have an opportunity to choose your preferred date for this activity during a later period (for example, when you already know the whole schedule of your trip) and not during making your order. This option gives you maximum flexibility regarding the date of the selected activity. The open voucher is valid for 3 months, it means that you can use it to go on the activity during this period from the date of its purchase.


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